
the finalization of the first edition of the education inspiration program

The finalization of the first edition of the Education Inspiration program

Crowning activities, drawing conclusions and seeking inspiration for future projects with students – this briefly describes what went on during the meeting which finalized the first edition of the Education Inspiration program, which took place on June 7th and 8th in Warsaw.


It was our second meeting with the 35 teachers from small towns from all over Poland, who received grants for carrying out educational projects with their students. The first day was launched by the President of the EFC Foundation – Emilia Gromadowska and Agata Łuczyńska – President of the School with Class Foundation. Then participants followed with their project presentations, showing their effects. Led by coaches from the School with Class Foundation – Agata Łuczyńska and Aleksandra Saczuk – they talked about achievements but also boldly spoke out about the obstacles they came across.


In the next meeting Magdalena Kocejko ran an evaluation workshop where everyone assessed their activities, drew conclusions and developed recommendations for future program editions. The day ended with a banquet at the EFC Foundation headquarters. The teachers were greeted by Igor Czernecki, Chairman of the Board.


During the second day, teachers from the Education Inspiration program took part in the VIII School with Class Festival. It is an event where teachers and students from the School with Class Foundation programs celebrate finalizing their activities. The Education Inspiration teachers acted as experts who listened to students talk about what they did as part of their school projects.


“Motivation to keep going”, “this program was the wind in my sails”, “people who think like me”, “sharing experiences”, “a space for conversation about what’s important to teachers” – these were the words our Education Inspiration teachers used when saying goodbye. We would like to thank them and we are looking forward to the next edition and future meetings within the program.