
The EFC team is a group of passionate people, who work hard to create high standards of education and to support young students in Poland.

The Governing Council is a supervisory body of the Foundation. It is responsible for making sure the development of the organization is in line with Andrzej Czernecki’s vision and the values of our patron, professor Roman Czernecki. Among its responsibilities are managing the endowment and approving EFC budgets.

Both the administrative, communication and finance employees, as well as those directly working with scholars are high-class specialists with many years of experience in working for NGOs.

Regional coordinators and our psychologist deserve a special mention, as our staff that remains available to the EFC scholars on a daily basis. They are the first ones to respond to their needs and they watch over the enrolment process.

Igor Czernecki, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Board

He graduated from Columbia University, London School of Economics, and the University of Warsaw. Specializes in the history of ideas and political philosophy. Author of Religion and democracy according to Alexis de Tocqueville. Published articles in Journal of the History of Ideas, Tocqueville Review, Cold War History, Przegląd Polityczny, Res Publica Nowa and Gazeta Wyborcza.

Igor Brewka

Finance and Administration Director, Member of the Management Board

Head of the EFC Office for many years, a graduate of Ukrainian Studies at UMSC in Lublin, academic teacher, sworn translator, mechatronics specialist. He has been involved in education, youth and social activity throughout his professional life. Computer and software specialist. He quenches his skepticism towards humanity with positive energy drawn from the effects of various social organizations. Privately, a father of three daughters, a lover of good cinema, computer and board games as well as fantasy literature.

Andrzej Czernecki Jr

Jan Krzewiński

Krzysztof Arciszewski

Graduate of New York University and University of Oxford. Involved in venture capital since 2011. Founder of British School of Wilanów. Rower and mountaineer. Vagabond traveler.

Roman Dolata

Warsaw University professor, Head of the Educational Policy and Social Research on Education at the Faculty of Education. Member of the 1st term Research Institution Evaluation Committee of the, expert at the National Science Center in 2012-2017. He specializes in educational measurement, the evaluation of educational institutions and cases of social inequality in education. He was the leader of research teams which developed an educational added value methodology for the Polish schooling system (the method of using exam results as an evaluation of teaching results). He was a member of research teams carrying out the PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS international education studies in Poland. He published over 40 reviewed articles, monographs and chapters in science monographs concerning education and education sociology. According to GoogleSchola (02.2018) h-ideks = 12, number quoted: 400. Most important publication: Dolata R. (2008). School-segregation-inequalities. Warsaw: publishing house of the Warsaw University.

Grażyna Czetwertyńska, Ph.D.

Educating students at the Warsaw University Artes Liberales Institute as well as the UW Educational School and the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. She was the head of the Individual Warsaw University International Human Studies Educational Lab, and director of the School with Class program and the Civil Education Centre. She was also a member of the national PISA research team. Author of the “Włącz Polskę” internet textbook concept for Polish students abroad, many programs and textbooks as well as publications on teaching and grading methods, working with talented students, bilingualism and intercultural education.

prof. Michał Federowicz

He is the head of the Political Sociolofy, Economy and Education Team at the PAN Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IFIS). He completed his Sociology studies at the Warsaw University and before that  he graduated the Department of Precision Mechanics at the Warsaw Univeristy of Technology. During 1980-1984 he did research work at the Aviation Institute. He has been working at IFiS PAN since 1984. In the years 1994-1995, a Kościuszko Foundation scholarship holder: Cornell University, Harvard University (Center for European Studies, Department of Government). In the years 2009-2017, director of the Educational Research Institute.


Mikołaj Herbst, Ph.D.

Habilitated Economics PhD, lecturer at the Warsaw University Centre for Regional and Local European Studies. Head of the Social Sciences in Education Department at the Educational Research Institute. He specializes in research on the economics of education, regional and local development, as well as in analysing business cycles. Author of many science publications. Head and participant of research projects financed by the Science Research Committee, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of National Education as well as the National Science Centre. In 2008-2009 he was a member of the Prime Minister’s Strategic Advisors Team.

Ula Malko

Graduated Psychology at the SWPS University, completed postgraduate coaching studies and a course on carrying out work with the use of research projects in the USA. For the past 10 years, she has been supporting teachers in a better understanding of a child’s developmental needs as well as the processes of group dynamics. She also works with teacher teams to counteract the feeling of burning out at work and help them strengthen their cooperation. For two years, she has been leading an elementary teachers’ network. She supports staff working with children in various ways (summer camps, extracurricular activities). She cooperates with the Child Development Foundation, the Space for Education Foundation as well as the Freedom School Foundation.

Alicja Pacewicz

Economist, social and educational activist. Co-founder and vice president of the CEO Foundation (Civil Education Center). Since 1994 she has been promoting knowledge, skills and civil engagement as well as supporting schools in an effective and modern education. Co-author of educational programs (such as “Civil Education in a Local Government School”, “School with Class 2.0”, “Traces of the Past”, “Young People Vote”, “School Cinema. Action.”), Civil Knowledge and Entrepreneurship textbooks as well as training and methodological publications. In the previous years, she was a MEN expert, co-organizer of international cooperation projects (such as Networking European Citizenship Education). Decorated with the Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for activities benefiting civil society.

Przemysław Sadura, Ph.D.

Sociology PhD, lecturer at the Warsaw University Sociology Institute, founder of the “Dialogue Field” Foundation, publicist at the “Krytyka Polityczna” magazine. He is interested in educational systems, class diversity and civil participation. Besides his sociology research, he also works with social intervention. He has been cooperating with the third sector and public administration for years, carrying out research, organizing training and providing consultation. Recently published books: The Fall of Communism in Central Eastern Europe with Regards to Contemporary Theories of Revolution, Warsaw 2015 and Civil Education in Action, The Scholar Publishing House, Warsaw 2013.

Michał Sitek

Sociologist, lecturer at the PAN Philosophy and Sociology Institute and the Educational Research Institute, where he was the deputy director for research and implementation in 2009-2017. Graduate of the Silesia University, the Central European University (CEU) and the School of Social Sciences IFIS PAN. In the years 1999-2004, he was an expert at the Government Center for Strategic Studies. He specializes in educational research, institutional analyses and public policy studies. Author of publications on education, health care and public administration. Member of the OECD PISA polish research team, coordinator of an international study on Math teacher training, TEDS-M 2008 in Poland as well as a study on the Math and Natural Science skills of students, the TIMSS 2019.

Joanna Utrata


Graduate of the Higher School of Applied Computer Science WIT. An accountant with an expanded work experience. She is accustomed with every accounting program. She likes to spend her free time in an active way, she enjoys good cuisine and new challenges.

Krystyna Kiełbowicz


Accountant with a large experience, auditor. A long-time employee of Mr. Andrzej Czernecki. She takes a break from numbers by working in her garden. During bad weather, she likes to watch nature films.

Ulyana Buzenko

Administration Specialist

Graduate of the Wasyl Stefanyk University in Iwano-Frankiwsk, teacher, research and teaching employee. She currently utilizes her experience in administrative work at the Foundation. She enjoys helping others, traveling and reading. She is interested in psychology and the development of children.

Iwona Konopka

Regional Coordinator in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie province

Horizons Scholarship Program coordinator in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province. Graduated from the Art and Social Science Department at the Olsztyn University. Dedicated her adult life to social activism and volunteer work with local communities and people in need. Mother of two, wonderful kids. Apart from work and spending time with her family, which she loves, she enjoys cooking, gardening, and discovering new places through travelling.

Iza Buczek

Regional Coordinator in the Podlasie province

Graduated from the University of Technology in Białystok and George Brown College in Toronto. Completed post-graduate studies in Educational Management. English teacher with many years of experience in Poland and abroad. She shares her professional skills, as well as her passion for scouting and volunteer work with kids and young adults, encouraging their interest in non-profit organisations. Interested in cultural tourism, especially in promoting the history and folklore of the Podlasie region.

Elżbieta Broda

Regional Coordinator in the Pomorskie province

She completed Political Science and history at the University of Gdańsk. Student of Iberian Studies. Teacher and educator, working with talented youth for many years. Her biggest passion: exploring the islands of Greece and Andalusia.

Emilia Gromadowska


Graduate of the Faculty of Education at the University of Warsaw and scholar of the Amsterdam University. Worked at United Way, an international charity organization, for 13 years. She designed and implemented innovative social and volunteer programs in both local and foreign companies across Poland. An expert in employee volunteering, author of the Volunteer Guide, published in 2007. An experienced NGO manager and a CSR consultant. Chairman of numerous corporate foundation boards, such as the WARTA Foundation, the Kredyt Bank Foundation “Razem możemy więcej” and the ORLEN DAR SERCA Foundation. Board member of the Polish Donors Forum.

Magdalena Gołębiowska

Roman Czernecki Prize Coordinator

Graduated from Socio-pedagogical Journalist Studies at the TWP Pedagogical School. Completed postgraduate studies in project management. An experienced author and manager of social and educational projects, also on an international level. At the EFC Foundation, she is responsible for coordinating the Prof. Roman Czernecki Prize. She cares about education and promoting good practices in combining business with the third sector. She loves to travel and arrange plants :)

Łukasz Krzemiński

Regional Coordinator in the Małopolskie province

Graduate of the Jagiellonian University in the department of Polish philology as well as the Educational University in Cracow in the Educational Department with a specialization of Community Service. He has been working with socially excluded youth for many years now. He likes cycling and surrounding himself with books.

Agnieszka Markowska

Regional Coordinator in the Małopolskie province

She holds degrees in Social Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Environmental Chemistry from the University of Wrocław. Her passion lies in motivating people for self-development, self-discovery, resource mobilization, giving oneself to others, and achieving intended goals. She works with individuals within the framework of Solution-Focused Approach. She adores working with youth and families. Privately, she loves folk music, mountain hikes, dogs, a good book, and theater.

Anna Mazek

Horizons regional coordinator in the zachodniopomorskie province

Psychology graduate, currently obtaining her diploma in psychotherapy. Interested in nonviolent communication, Familylab trainer. Loves to read, watch movies and discuss them until late-night hours. Dreams of travelling North; she made her first step by moving from Poznań to Szczecin and becoming a Horizons coordinator:) 

Marek Michalewski


Graduate of the Marine Academy in Gdynia. After many years of working at sea as a radio officer, he took under his care the Scholars from schools in Słupia and Szczekociny. At EFC, he is responsible for the cooperation with the Tadeusz Jarmundowicz Middle School in Szczekociny and the Szczekociny Schools Association, especially in the field of financial help and promotion.

Andrzej Piękoś

Regional Coordinator in the Mazowieckie province

Special Educator in the field of resocialization and supporting families. Author of educational projects and cyber security workshops for youth. For many years, he has been working with NGOs, managing projects from various fields of education. He is passionate about music and sound production, mixing and mastering audiomaterials.

Robert Walków

Regional Coordinator in the Lubuskie province

Graduate of the Zielonogórskie University, specializing in teaching Polish. He worked with kids in the Youth Sociotherapy Center in Zabor for 6 years. Before that he carried out projects financed by European Funds. A passionate sports fan and long-distance runner.

Małgorzata Zataj

Horizons program therapist

Graduate of Psychology from the University of Wrocław, systemic psychotherapist, coach, trainer, and crisis interventionist. Enamored with family values and unlocking the potential in others. She loves to search for the silver lining in everything. At the EFC Foundation, she is responsible for providing comprehensive psychological support to scholarship recipients. Privately, she adores baking cakes, preparing surprises, and traveling.

Maciej Ziółkowski

Regional Coordinator in the Lubelskie province

Graduate of the Education and Psycholoy Department at the Marie Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. For many years now, he has been working with youth from pathological, low-income and large families. He is passionate about sports, especially football, as wellas theatre and war literature.