
  • Regional coordinator in the podlaskie province.

    Graduated from the Białystok University of Technology and George Brown College in Toronto. Completed post-graduate studies in educational management. English teacher with many years of pedagogical experience in Poland and abroad. She likes to share her professional knowledge and passion for activism and scouting with others, encouraging young adults to volunteer in NGOs. Interested in cultural tourism, especially in the tradition, history and folklore of Podlasie.

    +48 606 770 906

  • Regional Coordinator in the Pomorskie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie provinces.

    She completed Political Sciences and History at the University of Gdańsk. Student of Iberian Studies. Teacher and educator, worked with talented youth for many years. Her biggest passion: exploring the islands of Greece and Andalusia.

    ul. Stanisława Hebanowskiego 83 d/1
    80-766 Gdańsk

    +48 696 647 505

  • Regional Coordinator in the Małopolskie and Śląskie provinces.

    Graduate of the Jagiellonian University in the department of Polish philology as well as the Educational University in Cracow in the Educational Department with a specialization of Community Service. He has been working with socially excluded youth for many years now. He likes cycling and surrounding himself with books.

    +48 696 637 216

  • Regional Coordinator in the Lubelskie and Podkarpackie provinces.

    Graduate of the Education and Psycholoy Department at the Marie Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. For many years now, he has been working with youth from pathological, low-income and large families. He is passionate about sports, especially football, as wellas theatre and war literature.

    +48 696 648 119

  • Regional coordinator in the warmińsko-mazurskie province.

    Ukrainian Studies graduate at the UMSC in Lublin, works at the UWM in Olsztyn, sworn translator. Eager to take up any organisational-administrative tasks and to help others. IT expert at the EFC. Enjoys good movies, computer and board games and fantasy literature.

    +48 696 647 175

  • Regional coordinator in the zachodnio-pomorskie province.


    +48 730 740 059

  • Regional Coordinator in the mazowieckie and świętokrzyskie provinces.

    Special Educator in the field of resocialization and supporting families. Author of educational projects and cyber security workshops for youth. For many years, he has been working with NGOs, managing projects from various fields of education. He is passionate about music and sound production, mixing and mastering audiomaterials.

    + 48 696 649 036

  • Coordinator in the dolnośląskie province.

    Educator, teacher, graduated from Jewish Studies at the Jagiellonian University. Aneta conducts workshops about informal education and teaches in one of the Wrocław schools. She took part in numerous scientific and educational projects, such as "Museum on Wheels" or "Polish Righteous Among the Nations - Rebuilding Memory". She has been collaborating with the Forum for Dialogue for the past seven years, as well as the Jewish Museum POLIN. She's curious about the history of Lower Silesia and is interested in education among national and ethnic minorities. She loves cinema, spending time among people and long walks around the Kłodzko Valley.

    tel. + 48 696 650 067

  • Regional Coordinator in the Lubuskie province.

    Graduate of the Zielonogórskie University, specializing in teaching Polish. He worked with kids in the Youth Sociotherapy Center in Zabor for 6 years. Before that he carried out projects financed by European Funds. A passionate sports fan and long-distance runner.

    +48 606 770 368