What criteria do I need to fulfil in order to be able to apply for the “Education Dreams” scholarship program?
This scholarship can be given to final grade middle school and secondary school students, who plan to continue their education in high school or technical school and who:
1. Come from towns with a maximum population of 30 000,
2. Have good or promising results at school,
3. Come from families with a maximum of 954 PLN net income per capita
4. Wish to sudy in one of the high schools or technical schools, who collaborate with the Foundation
5. Have read and accepted the Horizons Scholarship Program regulations -
What does a properly completed application consist of?
The only thing you need is a properly filled in application form, available on our website.
Can I complete the application without my parent/guardian?
While filling in the part about your family's financial situation, the presence of a parent/legal guardian is required.
Can I upload my application below the 15th of February?
No. The application form will be available only from the 15th of February.
Can I apply after the 31st of March?
No. The 31st is the last date of accepting applications.
Can I send my application otherwise than online?
No. Sending your application online is the only acceptable form of applying for the Horizons Scholarship Program.
As an EFC scholar, can I choose the school I wish to go to?
No. EFC scholars go to schools which collaborate with the Foundation. The full list of schools is available on our website under "Locations".
Why does the scholarship only apply to students from towns below 30 000?
Because young people from small-town areas have limited access to modern educational institutions and therefore limited space for learning and growth.
What should I do to communicate my interest in the Program?
The only way of beginning the application process is filling out the application form available on our website between the 15th of February and the 31st of March.
How can I contact my child's regional coordinator?
All information about the coordinators, including their contact details, can be found on the Foundation’s website under "Coordinators."
Can I contact the coordinator if I notice something unsettling?
Yes. Coordinators are there to make students feel as comfortable as possible in the new city and this definitely includes their parents knowing their children are safe and in good hands.
Can I visit my child during the school year?
Every dorm has its own rules regarding guardian visitations during the school year.
Can more than one child from the same family be included in the program?
Who will be looking after my child?
During their stay in the dorms, students will be continuously looked after by a teacher and the dormitory staff. Students will also be in constant contact with their regional coordinators. In case of any problems arising, it is the dorm staff's responsibility to undertake appropriate actions, which are compliant with both the dorm’s and the EFC Foundation’s regulations.
Does the scholarship include all-day meals?
Yes, the Foundation covers the costs of all meals.
Should the scholarship application include a written proof of income?
No, there is no need of submitting any certificates or proof of income. All you have to do is calculate the amount and include it in the online form.
Should the income also include direct payments from the EU?
When determining the agricultural household income, you do not include direct payments received from the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.
Should the calculated income include benefits from the Family 500+ program?
Yes, when determining the income, you should include benefits received in the Family 500+ program.
How do I calculate my family's income?
Sum up the incomes of all family members and then divide that number by the number of people living in the household. Art. 3 point 1 of the act on personal income tax describes precisely what a family income consists of. These are elements subject to taxation on the basis of personal income tax regulation, reduced by: tax-deductible costs, due income tax, social insurance contributions which were not included in the tax-deductible costs, as well as health insurance contributions. When determining income, allowances, maintenance and benefits should also be included – this also refers to parental benefits from the Family 500+ government program.
Can you still apply for the scholarship if the family income per capita slightly exceeds the amount indicated in the regulations?
No. The social minimum for each family member is a condition which absolutely needs to be met in order to apply for the program.
Where can I check the exact population of my town?
This information should be available on the city or municipality office website. If you cannot find it there, please go directly to your City Hall.
If the income per family member increases during the course of the scholarship, does the scholarship automatically vanish?
In case of a substantial improvement of the family's financial situation, the EFC Foundation, along with the student’s legal guardians, set new terms of the contract.
As a parent, do I have a say in the choice of dorm for my child?
The dorm is chosen by the Foundation. They are establishments which belong to or are recommended by the school. The list of dorms is available under "Locations".
Can my child live in a different place than the dorm chosen by the EFC Foundation?
No. All EFC Scholars live in the dorms designated by the Foundation.