

There it is - our new logo!

The EFC Foundation - this is how you call us and how we call ourselves, when we want to keep things short. And this is the name we wanted our new logo to represent. 

To make things easier, from now on we will be working under two names - the short EFC Foundation you’re already familiar with, and under our full, slightly simplified name - the Roman Czernecki Educational Foundation. This way, we can move forward by keeping our character and reminding you and ourselves of our roots. We deal with education, inspired by the experience and life work of our patron, prof. Roman Czernecki. He was an incredible teacher, who organized clandestine education during WWII and established numerous educational institutions open to everyone - regardless of who they were and where they came from. 

Our logo and name have changed, but we keep on working with the same motivation and goal to make the world a better place. For a better education.

Stay healthy, everyone!